
Flexible & Bendable Traverse Rods

Flexible traverse rods or as bendable curtain rods and flexible curtain rods, whatever the need these traverse rods will go around curves, corners, enclose bathtubs and create privacy curtains in rounded shapes. If you need an S shaped or U shaped curtain track then these smooth gliding traversing rods are the ticket.

Super Flex Curtain Track by
Super Flex Curtain Track
$11.00 Foot
Item #: 663802 -23
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Standard Duty Ceiling Track Kit 9.8 FT by
Standard Duty Ceiling Track Kit 9.8 FT
$140.00 Each
Item #: 590799
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Super Flex Magnet Catch Pair by
Super Flex Magnet Catch Pair
$5.00 Pair
Item #: 732152
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Super Flex Splice by
Super Flex Splice
$6.00 Each
Item #: 732153
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