Fabric Blinds Curtain Rods Window Treatments Trims & Tassels Wallpaper
Shop Brimar Trim Devonshire for great-looking fabric trims online at discount prices with Brimar trim samples available, quick shipping and unsurpassed customer service. Choose from one of the best looking fabric trim offerings for drapery, upholstery and home accessory embellishing that includes flat braid, braided lip cord, several varieties of gimp, eyelash fringe, gorgeous jacquard flat tapes, loop touche, several brush fringes including one extremely long one, tassel fringe, sweet bobble fringe, braided bullion fringe, chair ties, gorgeous bobble rosettes, wonderful buttons, chair ties, double ball drapery tiebacks, double tassel drapery tiebacks and key tassels. For assistance with any Brimar Trim, please call or email one of our knowledgeable and friendly customer service representatives.