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Stout Allure Trim book 1693 is online at unbeatable discount prices with Stout trim samples available, quick shipping and unsurpassed customer service. For assistance with any Stout Trim, please call or email one of our friendly customer service representatives.
Exclusive wide tapes, a woven tassel fringe and a petite brush fringe for your next project. From teal to navy, beige and green to a coral selection, the colors are just right.
Don't miss the metallic threads in Open, Butterfly and Milano. The diamond and dot design in pinto lip cord is fabulous. Eleanor is a petite lip cord.
Exclusive wide tapes, a woven tassel fringe and a petite brush fringe for your next project. From teal to navy, beige and green to a coral selection, the colors are just right.
Don't miss the metallic threads in Open, Butterfly and Milano. The diamond and dot design in pinto lip cord is fabulous. Eleanor is a petite lip cord.